Toothless Letter ZWhat is one of the most important things about writing? You’ve got to enjoy it. What is the point of investing energy, time and your precious tears in something that you just don’t have energy and enthusiasm for? You have to have zeal, be zealous, zealously pursue your writing goals. I think I ran out of zeal derivatives now 😛

The point is, a reader can tell. A reader can tell if you were bored, if you weren’t all that interested, if you have no passion for the subject or topic. It’s easy to tell. And there are so many other writers out there, one who will have passion for what they are writing, that readers will just go elsewhere, because they will get a better experience.

Of course, not every day has to be a perfect writing day. Dragons know I’ve had days where I sit down and every word is agony, and some days I hate what I’ve written with a passion. It happens.

But underneath that all? I love writing. It’s what keeps me coming back day after day, that I love writing and I want to write, and I love what I write (most of the time).

And that’s it!

26 posts, one month of April flown by. It’s been great, I’ve had so many wonderful visitors, and I have loved visiting other people as well, there are some amazing bloggers out there and I relish this month because I get to meet you.

I hope that people have enjoyed what I’ve been writing, and I hope to keep discovering more blogs next month 🙂